



Bibliographia Studiorum Psychedelicorum

Sociological & Historical Perspectives


Aiken, John W. The Church of the Awakening. In Bernard Aaronson & Humphry Osmond [editors]: PSYCHEDELICS: THE USES AND IMPLICATIONS OF HALLUCINOGENIC DRUGS, pp.165-182. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1970.

[Anonymous]. LSD Inventor Defends Drug’s Potential. OTTAWA CITIZEN, p.A2, January 11, 1996.

Braden, William. LSD and the Press. In Bernard Aaronson & Humphry Osmond [editors]: PSYCHEDELICS: THE USES AND IMPLICATIONS OF HALLUCINOGENIC DRUGS, pp.400-418. Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1970.

Brown, David; Rebecca McClen. Allen Ginsberg: The Sacred Howl. MAGICAL BLEND, 38:14-20, 72, 74 passim, April 1993.

Bugliosi, Vincent; Curt Gentry. HELTER SKELTER. New York: Bantam Books, 1975.

Carey, James T. THE COLLEGE DRUG SCENE. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968.

Cody, John V. Gerald Heard: Soul Guide to the Beyond Within. GNOSIS, 26:64-70, Winter 1993.

Eisner, Bruce. Ecstasy Revisited. GNOSIS, 26:55-59, Winter 1993.

Fremont-Smith, Frank; et al. Introductory Remarks. In Harold A. Abramson, M.D. [editor]: THE USE OF LSD IN PSYCHOTHERAPY, pp.7-23. Madison, NJ: Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, 1960.


Hofmann, Albert. How LSD Originated. JOURNAL OF PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS, 11(1-2):53-60, January-June 1979.

Hofmann, Albert. LSD — My Problem Child. In Lester Grinspoon, M.D. & James B. Bakalar, J.D. [editors]: PSYCHEDELIC REFLECTIONS, pp.24-31. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1983.

Leary, Timothy; Richard Alpert; Ralph Metzner. Rationale of the Mexican Psychedelic Training Center. In Richard Blum & Associates: UTOPIATES: THE USE & USERS OF LSD-25, 178-186. New York: Atherton Press, 1964.

Leary, Timothy. Mushrooms for Lunch. In Aldous Huxley: MOKSHA: WRITINGS ON PSYCHEDELICS AND THE VISIONARY EXPERIENCE, pp.180-182. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1977.

Leary, Timothy. Some Superficial Thoughts on the Sociology of LSD. In Lester Grinspoon, M.D. & James B. Bakalar, J.D. [editors]: PSYCHEDELIC REFLECTIONS, pp.32-38. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1983.

Lee, Martin A.; Bruce Shlain. ACID DREAMS: THE CIA, LSD AND THE SIXTIES REBELLION. New York: Grove Press, 1985.

Leuner, Hanscarl; Michael Schlichting. A Report on the Symposium on the Current State of Research in the Area of Psychoactive Substances. In Christian Rätsch [editor]: GATEWAY TO INNER SPACE: SACRED PLANTS, MYSTICISM AND PSYCHOTHERAPY, pp.213-240. Dorset, Great Britain: Prism-Unity, 1989.

Lyttle, Thomas. Drug Based Religions and Contemporary Drug Taking. JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES, 18(2):271-284, 1988.

Marshall, William; Gilbert W. Taylor. THE ART OF ECSTASY: AN INVESTIGATION OF THE PSYCHEDELIC REVOLUTION. Burns & MacEachern, 1967.

Neill, John R., M.D. ’More Than Medical Significance’: LSD and American Psychiatry 1953 to 1966. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS, 19(1):39-45, 1987.

Osmond, Dr. Humphry. May Morning in Hollywood. In Aldous Huxley: MOKSHA: WRITINGS ON PSYCHEDELICS AND THE VISIONARY EXPERIENCE, pp.32-39. Los Angeles: J.P. Tarcher, 1977.

Perry, Charles. THE HAIGHT-ASHBURY: A HISTORY. New York: Vintage Books, 1985.

Plumb, J.H.; et al. The Hippies. HORIZON, 10(2):4-30, Spring 1968.

Rayl, A.J.S. Encyclopedia Psychedelia. OMNI, 11(9):30, 96 passim, June 1989.

Riedlinger, Thomas. Two Classic Trips: Jean-Paul Sartre and Adele Davis. GNOSIS, 26:34-41, Winter 1993.

Salzman, Carl, Ph.D.; Jonathan Lieff, M.D. Interviews with Hallucinogenic Drug Discontinuers. JOURNAL OF PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS, 6(3):329-332, July-September 1974.

Schaffner, Nicholas. SAUCERFUL OF SECRETS: THE PINK FLOYD ODYSSEY. New York: Harmony Books, 1991.

Smith, David E., M.D.; Alan J. Rose. The Group Marriage Commune: A Case Study. JOURNAL OF PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS, 3(1):115-119, September 1970.

Stafford, Peter. Re-Creational Uses of LSD. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS, 17(4):219-228, October-December 1985.

Stevens, Jay. STORMING HEAVEN: LSD AND THE AMERICAN DREAM. New York: Atlantic Monthly, 1987.

Wolfe, Burton H. THE HIPPIES. New York: Signet Books, 1968.

Zinberg, Norman. The Users Speak for Themselves. In Lester Grinspoon, M.D. & James B. Bakalar, J.D. [editors]: PSYCHEDELIC REFLECTIONS, pp.39-60. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1983.

Et Cetera


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