



The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot

Princess of Wands


Princess of Wands
Artwork by Amy McClure

The Princess of Wands represents the suit in its most basic form. In this case it is creativity, the formation of new projects and goals, a new optimism and energy.

As an individual, the Princess would be a youthful, free-spirited individual, trusting, gentle and charismatic, with a great deal of vitality and energy.

The Princess sits with her back to us, she is looking at something else. Her mind wanders, it jumps from one thing to another, full of energy, as her environment is. Spines are shown to show her flexibility to new situations and ability to move and change with new experiences.

The Princess of Wands as an event can represent a messenger for the beginning of new energy in the form of a new relationship, project, new ideas, aim or plan. As an individual they can represent a child-like, enthusiastic and highly creative individual.

The negative to this card would be an individual whose personality is unformed and liable to be wishy-washy in decisions; maintaining a steady focus of their attention does not come easy to them. Or this could represent a struggle in the formation of a creative process, a new project clouded by indecision and difficulties.

A Princess of Wands character would be Celie in The Color Purple as she evolves into her true self. Lola in the movie Run Lola Run is a fiery, passionate, powerful and determined young heroine who evokes the Princess of Wands characteristics.

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Disclaimer: This site is for entertainment purposes only. The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot card artwork and interpretations are copyright © NoMonet Full Court Press (1999) and may not be reproduced, sold or used for profit in any way without explicit written permission. All Rights Reserved.

Et Cetera


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