



The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot

King of Wands


King of Wands
Artwork by Barbara Wolfe

The King of Wands is an individual who is charming and witty, well balanced and well liked by peers, family and friends. This individual is generous to a fault, has an open heart and is fun to be with. This individual also has a tremendous amount of self-confidence, imagination and a zest for life.

The King of Wands in this card is shown with a lion to emphasize his inner strength, determination and bravery. He is shown walking through a courtyard, while someone passes his staff or wand to him. He carries his power with him, not needing the reminder that he rules over his domain.

The King is an optimistic energetic individual who comes into your life or represents fresh qualities of imagination, energy and a newfound happy attitude entering your life.

The negative of this card would be an individual who has a fiery nature and is difficult to control, possibly even dangerous.

Movie characters which personify the King of Wands character are the main characters in Dances with Wolves and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

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Disclaimer: This site is for entertainment purposes only. The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot card artwork and interpretations are copyright © NoMonet Full Court Press (1999) and may not be reproduced, sold or used for profit in any way without explicit written permission. All Rights Reserved.

Et Cetera


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