☙ Fortune ❧
The Artist’s Inner Vision TarotTen of Wands
When we take on too much, more problems, projects, responsibilities or relationships than we have time for, this is the Ten of Wands. Occasionally we think we are superhuman and take on more than we have time and the attention span for. We overburden ourselves with responsibilities that eat away at our lives and don’t allow us to be able to do our best job in any one area. Or even worse, we might burn out over the stress of all these tasks and not be able to accomplish any of them. This is the danger inherent in the wands. Our creativity and energy level might spur us on to achieve new heights, but in the heat of the moment we conveniently forget about the current commitments and burdens we must carry that we owe time and energy to as well. This card shows a woman troubled by the overabundance of obligations she has created. She is burning up with wands’ energy; she is unable to take on all of her responsibilities and is burning up the city around her. She has been mesmerized by the light of the wands and is now being consumed by her own devices. This card warns us against taking on too much. What our imagination tells us we can do often is not as well grounded in reality as it should be. Reserve some time for yourself. Budget your extra time, unburden yourself of some responsibilities and tasks if you can. Delegate responsibilities if possible. Don’t let the energy of the Ten of Wands burn you up or out. The negative of this card might be the casting off of burdens through emotional burn-out or physical collapse. The situation has progressed beyond the point of repair and there is no choice but to pick up the pieces. Another negative interpretation of this card could be burdens might have been tossed aside in rebellion to the limitations required and a new direction has been determined in a person’s life. In the movie Wall Street a young stockbroker attempts to take on too much through business contact with a wealthy corrupt billionaire which epitomizes the energy of this card. ✾ Ask the Tarot! ✾ Disclaimer: This site is for entertainment purposes only. The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot card artwork and interpretations are copyright © NoMonet Full Court Press (1999) and may not be reproduced, sold or used for profit in any way without explicit written permission. All Rights Reserved. |
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