



The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot

Ace of Swords


Ace of Swords
Artwork by Dennis Jordan

The high potential of this card encompasses the intellectual realm, the ability to formulate ideas, conceptualize, rationalize clearly. This potential can be good or bad depending whether these ideas and concepts are of a positive or negative nature. There is no clear-cut line here; they can affect personal beliefs and the emotional baggage we carry with us daily by adding conflicting new ideas and information that doesn’t fit in with our current system of rationalizations. They may decrease the current internalized conflict by neutralizing it with new ideas and thoughts. These new intellectual efforts can affect us on another level, a material level, where new inventions make our lives easier or more difficult depending on context.

This card shows a young man with a sword held high coming from the middle of a thick book. The sword is pointing towards the sky, towards the airy intellect that it represents. The sword is wrapped in tattered ribbons through which it might just have cut through, metaphorically cutting through to the truth. In a book a writer takes us on a journey, and intellect as perceived through words portrays that the pen is mightier than the sword. The young man comes from the middle of the text, showing us that there is no beginning or end to finding the truth; it is a never ending process.

The Ace of Swords brings us the possibility of a new beginning that, because of the conflict it entails, may not look promising. However, conflict and change, although difficult, are not always harmful; with courage and strength, the intellectual and spiritual riches we reap often reward us at the end of this journey. Growth is a positive result of change.

The negative of this card would be letting emotions override rational intellectual determinations and decisions. One needs a clear grounding in the intellectual to be able to make clear choices and progress in one’s life.

The movie Glory dealt with the Civil War and the experience of a black regiment within the war. No war is good; however this war brought a great positive change to the nation and was paid for by many lives and many years of conflict.

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Disclaimer: This site is for entertainment purposes only. The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot card artwork and interpretations are copyright © NoMonet Full Court Press (1999) and may not be reproduced, sold or used for profit in any way without explicit written permission. All Rights Reserved.

Et Cetera


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